Preoccupation with 'China threat' groundless
US President Joe Biden and India"s Prime Minister Narendra Modi talk in the East Room of the White House in Washington, US, June 23, 2023. [Photo/Agencies]
Although US President Joe Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi tried to keep China out of the spotlight during the latter"s just-concluded state visit to the United States, there was no hiding the fact that the two leaders wanted something from each other with China in mind.
The specific wording of their joint statement can be parsed for insinuations about China. But the outcomes of Modi"s visit show that neither has an objective view of the international situation, with both leaders reportedly saying that the US-India partnership "will define the next century".
That is wishful thinking. While as a marriage of convenience, Washington and New Delhi may choose to regard each other as "closest partners", they fail to see the world today is not what it was several decades ago. The world order is not a unipolar one any more when the US, with the help of its friends, could call the shots on major global issues and ride roughshod over other countries. Multilateralism has prevailed in international relations and economic globalization can hardly be reversed when emerging economies have turned out to be an important force for the development of the world economy.
It is against this backdrop that China as the world"s second-largest economy speaks up for the interests of the majority of emerging economies and has done what it can to help with the development of underdeveloped countries.
It is against this backdrop that China has put forward the Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative for the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.
China does not pose a threat to any country. What China is trying to do is promote the reform of the global governance system for the benefit of a majority of countries. Instead of seeking hegemonic status, China seeks to cooperate with all countries for mutual benefit, which has found expression in its Belt and Road Initiative and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership between China and neighboring countries.
China seeks to develop relations with both the US and India, and has reiterated that the border disputes with India should be settled through talks.
If the leaders of the US and India consider China to be the ghost at their feast as CNN put it, it is only because they are too narrow-minded and selfish to see the world from a broader perspective. It may also be because the US is a ghost of its former self.
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